At the age of 16 Paul was to be snapped up by a band in which he travelled the length and breath of the UK playing clubs and pubs as a professional musician. Since then Paul has played with many musicians all over the UK. Paul met Fi in May 1996. Paul has always supported Fi with RPA and in 2012 gave up his role as a Support manager in a software house to help Fi with RPA. Since 2012 we have seen RPA go from strength to strength and pride itself on being completely different from other performing arts institutions. Paul now regularly plays in a number of bands and is now a multi instrumentalist . Paul has also acted on TV in some well known shows! Paul prides himself on his script writing and as a result is currently working on the next big venture for RPA which he hoping will open collaborations with other theatre groups and up and coming script writers in the area that share RPA’s ethos. When Paul is not working he likes to spend time with his family and travelling the world.