Please click below to see a full list of our classes, We would love for your young person to come along for a free trial at our sessions. Revolution Performing Arts is all about building confidence and nurturing your young people. We love seeing new faces at our classes  If you have any questions regarding classes please contact us.

SessionArt FormAgeDayTimeVenueLeaderArea

Open Classes

Old Town All StarsPerforming Arts4-11 YearsWednesdays5:15pm-6:15pmCommunity Centre – Christ Church, Old Town, Swindon, SN1 3HBGinaSouth Swindon
Malmesbury All Stars – WedPerforming Arts4-11 yearsWednesdays5:30pm – 6:30pmRiverside Community Centre, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, SN16 9JSLucyWiltshire
Great Western All StarsPerforming Arts4-11 YearsThursdays5:00pm – 6:00pmBlunsdon Village Hall, High Street 9, Blunsdon SN26 7ARBrodieNorth Swindon
Shaw All StarsPerforming Arts4-11 YearsFridays5:15pm – 6:15pm#Holy Trinity Church, Shaw, Swindon, SN5 5PYOliviaWest Swindon
Malmesbury All Stars – SatPerforming Arts4-11 YearsSaturdays11:30am – 12:30pmRiverside Community Centre, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, SN16 9JSGraceWiltshire

School Classes

(for attendees of school only)

Bishopstone PrimaryPerforming Arts4-11 YearsMondays3.15pm-4.15pmBishopstone, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 8PWOliviaEast Swindon
Oliver TomkinsPerforming Arts5-11 YearsMondays3:05pm-4:00pmOliver Tomkins C of E School,  Beaumaris Road, Swindon SN5 8LW GinaWest Swindon
Even Primary Performing Arts5-11 YearsTuesdays3:05pm-4:05pmEven Swindon School, Pasture Close, Raybrook Park SN2 2UJOliviaNorth Swindon
PeatmoorPerforming Arts4-11 YearsTuesdays3:00pm-4:00pmPeatmoor Community Primary School, Pepperbox Hill, Swindon, SN5 5DPGinaWest Swindon
Lydiard MillicentPerforming Arts4-11 YearsTuesdays3:15pm-4:15pmLydiard Millicent C of E Primary School, The Butts, Lydiard Millicent, SN5 3LRAngelNorth Wiltshire
Shaw Ridge Performing Arts4-11 yearsWednesdays3:20pm – 4:20pmShaw Ridge School, Ridge Green, Swindon, SN5 5PUOliviaWest Swindon
OgbournePerforming Arts4-11 YearsWednesdays3:20pm – 4:20pmOgbourne CofE Primary School, High Street, Ogbourne St. George, Marlborough, SN8 1SUGinaWiltshire
Wroughton InfantsPerforming Arts4-7 yearsThursdays3:25pm-4:25pmWroughton Infant School, Wharf Road, Wroughton, SN4 9LEGinaSouth Swindon
Siddington Performing Arts4-11 YearsThursdays3:20pm – 4:20pmSiddington C of E Primary School, The Coach Road, Cirencester GL7 6HLRebeccaGloucestershire
Haydon Wick Performing Arts4-11 yearsThursdays3:30pm – 4:30pmHaydon Wick Primary School, The Brow, SN25 1HTOliviaNorth Swindon
The Croft Performing Arts4-11 YearsThursdays3:30pm – 4:30pmCroft Sports Centre, Marlborough Lane, SN3 1RAJimSouth Swindon
Lainesmead Performing Arts4-11 YearsFridays1:45pm-2:45pmLainesmead Primary School & Nursery, South View Avenue, Swindon, SN3 1EAIzzyCentral Swindon
Wroughton JuniorsPerforming Arts7-11 YearsFridays3:05pm-4:05pmWroughton Junior School, Inverary Road, Wroughton, SN4 9DLBrodieSouth Swindon
CrudwellPerforming Arts4-11 YearsFridays3:20pm – 4:20pmCrudwell School, Crudwell, Malmesbury, SN16 9ERJimWiltshire
Uffington Performing Arts4-11 YearsFridays3:15pm – 4:15pmUffington CofE Primary School, Broad Street, Uffington, Oxfordshire, SN7 7RAAngelOxfordshire
St Barts Performing Arts4-11 yearsFridays3:15pm – 4:15pmSt Bartholomew’s Primary, Wootton Bassett, SN4 8AZGinaNorth Wiltshire


Street Juniors RodbourneStreet Dance7 – 11 yearsMondays5:00pm – 6:00pmCentral Community Centre, Emlyn Square, Swindon SN1 5BPGraceRodbourne
Level Up Soar Mixed Dance10-14 yearsFridays5:45pm-6:45pmWanborough Dance Studio, Great Moorleaze Farm, The Marsh, SN4 0SWGraceSouth Swindon
Malmesbury Street DanceStreet Dance7-16 YearsSaturdays10:30am-11:30amRiverside Community Centre, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, SN16 9JSGraceWiltshire


Level Up Theatre (Invite Only)Acting14-18 YearsThursdays5:45-6:45pmRevolutionary Tuition Centre, Redhouse Village Centre, Swindon SN25 2FWIevaNorth Swindon

Rapport – Secondary Age Classes

Malmesbury Rapport(Performing Arts, Tech, Design & Stage Mgmt)11 – 18 yearsWednesdays6:30pm – 8:00pmRiverside Community Centre, Gloucester Road, Malmesbury, SN16 9JSOliviaWiltshire
Rapport South(Performing Arts, Tech, Design & Stage Mgmt)11 – 18 yearsWednesdays7:00pm-8:30pm#Wroughton Parish Church Hall, Priors Hill, Wroughton, SN4 0RTRebeccaSouth Swindon
Rapport Central(Performing Arts, Tech, Design & Stage Mgmt)11 – 18 yearsThursdays6:45pm – 8:45pmRevolutionary Tuition Centre, Redhouse Village Centre, Swindon SN25 2FWIevaNorth Swindon

#Sessions in church halls are not affiliated with the church, they are venue hire only.

Prices range from £26-£35 depending on room hire, specialism, duration of lesson and staffing.

Performing Arts is singing, dancing & drama

Thank you for checking out our list of classes. Feel free to contact us to ask with any questions:; Tel: 01793 792983; Text/Whats App: 07799 691328

Ready to get involved?

All elements of the sessions are child centered and there is no pressure to perform,
just to relax, enjoy and have a good time.