For all our reviews please check out our Google reviews, our Facebook reviews or take a look at some of these nuggets of loveliness: 

Dear Fi and Team, 

I wanted to express my heartfelt thanks to your wonderful teachers, Jim and Jade, for their amazing work with our children and families during our Jubilee Event last week. As you know, I hold RPA dearly in my heart and when we decided to hold this event, I knew instantly that RPA would be the perfect fit to support SWA to make it happen! 

Jade and Jim were welcomed instantly by the children and their mums and put everyone at ease! They were both so kind, caring and professional and offered trauma informed support at a pace to suit the children. It was wonderful to see the children so carefree and engaged and I observed how quickly some children, who were a little scared and tentative at first, felt empowered to quietly join in with the activities through such gentle encouragement. 

 Jade and Jim were simply amazing and went the extra mile for our children and young people. 


I just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for the wonderful event at the weekend.  The parents have been full of praise at the event.  Words such as joyful and inclusive were used to describe it.  They came into school buzzing! Thank you so much. 


Mrs K Cook – Headteacher 

Hi Everyone

Thank you so much for last nights performance.  What a night!We came in an hour before to book seats and we ended up in the front row-very fortunate. Fi,looked so glam like you normally do.So passionate and excited about it all. Jade, with all your hard work and co ordinating the play. Patti, great to catch up and have a chat.We use to meet regulary on zoom. Dave and the rest of the gang.All the work that goes on, wouldnt of  gone ahead without you guys. 

Also the chaperones.? 

Good morning, you absolute RPA Superheros! 

After the most INCREDIBLE performance last night, there is so much to say!  But I will try to keep it concise…just to say, firstly, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you all, and to each and every young person who performed last night, because it I think it was quite possibly my all-time favourite live show!  I’m not sure that I’ve ever witnessed such an abundance of sheer joy – it just shone out from every single performer, and it was completely awesome to watch that wonderful energy spread out among the groups on-stage and into the audience…it was so strong, so palpable…like the whole room was sparkling!  I haven’t seen happiness and positivity on that scale in a very long time, and it was simply beautiful.  Overwhelming, actually.  

Love Sarah Davis x 

Ready to get involved?

All elements of the sessions are child centered and there is no pressure to perform,
just to relax, enjoy and have a good time.