Designated Safeguarding Lead – Fiona Da Silva-Adams – 07586 754528 (Strictly for Safeguarding only) –

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead -Pippa Eddolls –

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures For Revolution Performing Arts:

RPA takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people in its care. For this reason we work in partnership with an independent Safeguarding Consultant, Sarah Turner. Sarah has a career which spans education. Having been a teacher for 10 years, she worked as the safeguarding Adviser for Education in Swindon until 2015, when she left to create Sarah Turner Consulting. She works alongside schools and education providers to ensure safeguarding procedures are robust and provides training for staff working with children and young people.

Ready to get involved?

All elements of the sessions are child centered and there is no pressure to perform,
just to relax, enjoy and have a good time.